Embers: Judgments

Lesson: Judgments.Need: Slips of paper (3 per camper), pens/pencils, campfire (trashcan can be substituted).Directions: Give each camper 3 slips of paper. On each have them write down something they consider to be a judgement, tell them to write 2 negative and 1 positive (e.g., selfish, ugly, friendly). When they are...

Summer Constellations

I’ve always loved viewing the constellations at night at summer camp.  It was always the best place to view them without as much light pollution as you see in towns or the city.  Through the years I’ve used many different charts, some harder to read than others.  I decided...

Camp Name Necklaces

This is the second name necklace I ever received.  A camper made it for me when I was a CIT and if you notice, the ‘I’ isn’t really an ‘I’ but instead a broken ‘J’. It’s in my favorite color, orange, and the beads in between are glow in...

Embers: The Rainbow Fish

Lesson: SharingNeed: The book ‘The Rainbow Fish’, fish coloring pictures (one for each camper), glue, color items (tissue paper, sequins, colored paper, etc. but enough that they can share with everyone else).Prep: Print the coloring pages ahead of time.Directions: Read the book ‘The Rainbow Fish’ to the campers. Discuss...

Spider Sniffing

Have you ever been spider sniffing? I can’t go into detail, as it is a secret society, but if you didn’t get a certificate, here is a cute one I’ve made.  You can use it to give to those you have inducted to the secret society as well. I...

Embers: Camp Bracelet

Lesson: Camp memories.Need: Embroidery thread.Prep: None.Directions: This is a daily activity. The first night, have the girls choose 3 colors they think represent camp the best. Cut each camper a long (but equal) piece of each color. Have them create a small section of the bracelet each day while...

Embers: Yarn Bracelet

Lesson: Finding good in others. Need: One ball of yarn (make sure there is enough). Prep: None. Directions: Sit everyone in a circle, yourself included. Starting with yourself, stay something nice about one camper and then throw the ball of yarn to them while holding onto the loose end...

Camp Name Necklaces

One of the most exciting things when I was a CIT, was getting a necklace with my camp name on it.  There was a cute little store in a small nearby town where all the staff would purchase ceramic beads of the letters they needed to make their necklace....

Service: Pencils for Pete

Have you heard of Pete?  He’s a young man from Georgia who collects pencils to send to kids in Kenya! We collected a few pencils to send to Pete, but first we had to decorate them in a Girl Scout theme (of course!) You can see his facebook page...

Embers: Celebrating Needs

Lesson: Personal needs. Need: Paper, colored pens/crayons/markers. Prep: None. Directions: Pass out one paper per camper.  Have the campers fill in the sentence I NEED ____. Write this sentence on one side of the paper. Have the campers decorate it if they like. Discuss what they chose. On the...