Crafting: Tie Dye

Tie dying is so much fun! Have you ever tried it?  A few summers ago at camp I was a ‘tie dye’ specialist and taught it to all the girls every week all summer long.  Since then I’ve wanted something that I could print and put in my binder to...

Binder Organizing

Over the years I have accumulated a wide variety of papers of training materials and activity ideas.  Finally I decided it was time to organize everything so I could find it easier and have it take up less room. Although I have pretty much everything stored on the computer...

Ban Bossy!

Several months ago I saw an eye opening video about labels between men and women. When I first heard of the Ban Bossy campaign I thought it was something later done in response to or in conjunction with this video (I have yet to see that be true) regardless...

Embers: Special Something

Lesson: Sharing yourself.Need: One item for each camper that is special to them.Prep: Tell the campers to bring one item to the circle that they brought to camp that is special to them.Directions: Go around the circle letting everyone ‘show and tell’ what they brought.  Discuss the differences of...

GSSWT Family Giving Campaign

Last summer at camp, we had a camera crew going around recording all sorts of different camp activities.  Towards the end we all got together for them to film.  It wasn’t until today that I finally found the video on the GSSWT website.  The picture showing before the video...

The Lag

Don’t worry my friends, I will post again soon! I aquired a new job before Christmas and this has been taking up my time. That, and then cookie sales started! See you soon, Zigg...

Embers: Draw Your Hand

Lesson: Sharing yourself. Need: Paper, pens/crayons/markers. Prep: None. Directions: Have each camper outline their hand on the paper.  Write in each finger, answers to the following (make sure they are about camp or the Girl Scout year):  Thumb – Something they love.  Index finger – Goals for the session/year....

Fall products

Fall products are here (in my council), and while I get them sorted and ready for the girls to pick up and deliver, I snapped this adorable picture to share with you all. Meeko loves Girl Scout sales! ~Zigg...

Camp to Troop

With another summer of camp finished, it’s time to start getting prepared for Troops. This year I will have my own troop, which I haven’t done in awhile. A troop full of ‘Jumpy Juniors’. How excited am I? Very.  Everything in Girl Scouts is awesome. ~Zigg...

Embers: Poem Embers

Lesson: Opinions. Need: A poem. Prep: None. Directions: Read a favorite poem and discuss what it means to everyone. Post the poem in a central area or give copies to everyone. Here you can find my favorite poem. Other popular ones you can use are poems from Shel Silverstein’s...